Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bargains to Bounty!

Bargains to Bounty

Wowzers! Count me in as one of those that have been bit by the couponing bug!

I used to clip and match-up back when I was in grad school. I routinely saved about 40-50% on groceries but quit when Ben started offering to go to the store. The thinking behind the decline in clipping was that he was much more likely to pick up whatever it is that we needed with a few "sale" items thrown in on the side. Although we save cause we always shop the sale adds, the savings I have had in the past month shows that it is definately worth the time to clip...

 Kroger: 2/5 Sale Ads Savings:  $37.25
              mfg Coupons:             $13.89
              dbl Coupons:              $10.40
Total Savings:                  $61.54      44%

2/20/11:  Sale ads savings: $31.73
                mfg coupons:       $9.40
                double coupons:  $8.40
Total Savings:               $49.53
Percentage Saved:               43%
Oh! Plus $6 towards next purchase makes the total savings to 53%

VG's 2/13 Store Savings:     $12.37
Mfg Coupons:                       $8.70
Dbl Coupons:                        $8.20
Total Savings:              $29.27
Percentage Saved:            45%  

VG's 2/19 Store Savings:      $21.21
Coupons:                                $7.00
Dbl Coupons:                         $5.00
Total Savings:               $33.21
Percentage Saved:             47%  

In all honesty, there was another VG's trip but my daughter snagged the receipt to take into school for a fundraiser. I know for shure that I saved $40 with a 40 some percent savings. We'll go with a conservitive estimate as I want to add them to the total.

Grand Total Savings:     $ 213.55
Average Percentage Saved:   43.8%